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Monday, 28 April 2014

Meal Plan Monday

After getting home from Palm Springs at 1:30am Sunday morning and collapsing into bed, getting woken up at 7:30am (at least I know I was missed) and then going all day and evening, all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and take a quick trip to Dreamland.  Hence the lack of Sunday meal planning... But I'm quite enjoying the title Meal plan Monday so we'll see what happens next week.

We weren't feeling adventurous at all and fast was the theme of the week, not to mention a quick grocery shop, so below is what we're cooking up in the kitchen this week:

Sunday: dinner out :) Once a year hubby's dad and stepmom have us all for an amazing buffet dinner at one of the golf clubs.  There is lots of wine, lots of food and family to catch up with.  I even got a private performance of my two nieces' 'Let It Go' routine, loved it.

Monday: homemade burgers and fries with a side of sautéed mushrooms and salad.  Hubby made burger patties from scratch and they were delish.

Tuesday: baked chicken, wild rice and roasted broccoli

Wednesday: BFD (scrambled eggs, perogies and turkey bacon with fruit salad)

Thursday: homemade chicken strips (tossed in a bacon and cheese breaking mixture) and scalloped potatoes with salad

Friday: dinner out again! I am meeting my book club downtown for dinner and hubby is on his own again. 

I also have a few things planned to keep me busy this week including...

  - picking out flowers to plant in our front garden

  - transplant my vegetable seedlings into bigger pots

  - looking at Macbooks (my company has an interest free purchase program and I think I'm going to finally    

    bite the bullet!)

  - laundry, laundry, laundry and maybe some more laundry (it never ends and we don't even have kids! 

    Landscapers have SO MUCH LAUNDRY!!)

  - try out a vegetable soup with orzo... A new recipe, cross your fingers!

And now it's time for sleep, sweet dreams everyone!

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