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Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Life Lately

Wow I have really missed this little space of mine!  I have also missed reading all the great blogs I have found along the way, but I'm back baby!  I spent the last two weeks living and breathing a 5 day seminar I planned for work and I am so happy to say that it was a HUGE success!  The prep and planning was intense and exhausting and then the seminar itself was intense and even more exhausting.  Twenty two people from all over North America, Europe and Asia were under my watch and I loved it.  I loved them! Everyone was amazing and so friendly.  I got the loudest applause at our farewell dinner on the last night and I kind of teared up... I'm sure the wine the didn't help;)

And lucky for me I was given another opportunity for a vacation in Palm Springs (aka my second favorite place in the world) and so here I am spending 8 amazing days in paradise.  Unfortunately the hubby is stuck at home but I am here with two book club friends.  It's a repeat of last year and actually the one year anniversary of our book club! We are currently reading my first pick, The Night Circus, and I'm only 42 pages in but already really enjoying it.  The book and I will be spending a lot of quality time together in the pool this week.

We don't have much planned for the week besides a lot of time at the pool (I need some major colour, I am so pale!), a bit of shopping (we're actually heading to the outlets this afternoon, hoping for a good find or two) and of course, wining and dining.  And by wining and dining I mean raiding the $10 wine selection at Target and making chicken strips with fries and gravy.  I also plan to re-enter the blog world because I have been MIA for far too long!

Good morning from Palm Springs!

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