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Thursday, 20 August 2015

Bumpdate: 30 Weeks

Things are actually pretty busy here as we all get ready to celebrate my sister’s wedding next weekend and the somewhat mad scramble to get everything ready for this baby who is surely going to turn our world upside down. With less than 10 weeks to go and more kicks (punches?) every day, the imminent arrival of our baby girl has my hubby and I so excited. And shockingly, he doesn’t appear nervous at all. Like no trepidation at all. I’m completely terrified. Mainly at the thought of giving birth but also the crying (how will I know what she needs??), breastfeeding (I hear so many horror stories – will I be able to do it??), sleeping (will she ever sleep or am I going to be a zombie??)… so many things!!!

I’m pretty sure my husband has absolutely no clue what we’re in for. Right?

Whoa boobs. Yay bump.

How far along: 30 weeks

Size of Baby: a butternut squash / 17", 3lbs

(same stats as the app gave last week but different type of squash hmmm… my dr said we’re right on target for size though so I’m going to go with the flow)

Gender: a sweet baby girl 

Symptoms: I am so sleepy! I do not want to open my eyes in the morning and I sit at my desk with a cup of coffee and dream about taking a nap. At 8:30am. I haven’t been able to nap after work and when I get into bed I get a burst of energy (spent cruising social media) so am usually asleep around 10pm. It’s a rough life.

Stretch marks: I never got around to whipping up straight coconut oil so I picked up some Palmer’s lotion and it feels good but not too crazy about the smell. But with 10 weeks left and economy size bottle I think I’m just going to tough it out.

Sleep: the only thing interrupting my sleep are the bathroom trips (3-4 a night). Oh and our cat who might like my snoogle more than I do. He normally sleeps outside in the summer but right now he would prefer to annoy me cuddle with us.

Husband: painted the nursery last weekend and put together the crib. He slaved away painting and I cried off and on.

Belly Button: yeah I don’t think it’s popping ever?!

Movement: pretty decent movement, especially down low on my left side. Thanks baby girl, feels great (ouch!).

Cravings: I have a new one! Dr. Pepper 10. Except you can’t get it in Canada so I’m screwed. Couldn’t do something easy like grapes could I??

Maternity Clothes: last night I received a bag of super cute summer tops from my sister’s friend (thanks T!) and I can’t wait to wear them! They totally accentuate my bump which I don’t hate.  

Best part of the week: my sister moving home! Ok not home, but she is going to live in the same province again, same time zone, easy to see on weekends. And hopefully I will do more of that when I’m on maternity leaveJ

Worst part of the week: being so sleepy, counting down until I can sleep in on Saturday!

Missing most: cold wine and cider; this heat would be easier to take with a buzz.

Looking forward to: finishing up the nursery. We still have to build the change table, we ordered my glider last night so it should arrive in the next couple weeks, and then I need to figure out how to decorate a nursery. I am clueless with design - suggestions??

side note: I need a new blog design. I think that's why bumpdates are the only thing I do anymore, I'm just not excited about the look of this space and am no longer drawn to it. So I am looking for suggestions where I can get on affordable blogger design, please share!!

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