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Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Weekend Recap: Wedding Fun

Wow, hello September... you really snuck up on me!  And our last weekend flew by but it was a good one filled with family and friends.

We started the weekend with a family wedding on Saturday and we had a blast, the bride and groom basically wanted a big party to celebrate with everyone and they definitely achieved it.  From the officiant they picked, the groomsmen's orange converse shoes, the photo booth, the caricature artist, the amazing speeches including a song sung by the (married to each other so it was even more adorable) maid of honour and best man, a popcorn bar (I mixed caramel and cheddar jalapeƱo to make a killer Chicago blend!) to the newlyweds recreating 'Time of My Life' from Dirty Dancing, the Mr. and I had so. much. fun.  And I barely touched on all the amazing details that made the wedding so representative of the bride and groom and the amazing life they share together.

I don't know the bride very well but I do know that she is so sweet and thoughtful and always puts her friends and family before anything else.  And I actually experienced this first hand at her wedding.  In the midst of this amazing celebration for her and the love of her life, she did something so thoughtful for my husband and me that I burst into (happy) tears and was able to get the Mr. out on the dance floor.  You see, our wedding reception was held outside at my husband's family's orchard property and due to a noise complaint, the police put a kibosh on the dj and essentially shut it down two hours early.  There was so much more dancing that was supposed to happen but unfortunately we had no choice.  So just over one year later, this gorgeous and utterly selfless bride remembered and requested Journey's 'Don't Stop Believin', our last dance song.  It was the highlight of an already amazing night and I can't thank her enough.  And I hope that I do get to know her better.

My phone is on its last legs and my battery lasts for like 10 minutes so I barely got any photos... but I will share the ones I took!

Weekend recap: wedding
The beautiful K and and our adorable niece and flower girl
Weekend recap: wedding
Me and my handsome hubby
Weekend recap: wedding
These bright colours were all over and GORGEOUS!

Weekend recap: wedding
Blurry table selfie

Weekend recap: wedding
The head  table
I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up on Sunday because I didn't feel like death.  I wasn't running a marathon or anything but I made us breakfast, did some laundry, and leaned up around the kitchen until it was time to head to my mom's for a family BBQ.  We left my mom's and headed to the grocery store where we proceeded to buy way more food than we need but I didn't get around to doing a meal plan so it was kind of a gong show.  We went home, watched Big Brother and then crawled into bed where he fell asleep and I watched the Veronica Mars movie.  You know, I liked it and (spoiler alert) was always Team Logan. 

On Monday I got the house all to myself because the Mr. had to work.  I slept in a bit and then enjoyed a lazy morning watching Sex and the City reruns and drinking Baileys coffee.  Then I finished up the laundry, cleaned out the fridge and made chili for dinner.  And then I returned to the couch... oh long weekends, how I love thee...

Weekend recap
Sex and the City Reruns

How did you celebrate the end of summer?
Linking up with Bella and Lisa!
Weekend Recap


  1. The wedding sounds amazing! And the couple sounds just as great. :) Have to love wedding weekends!!!

  2. What a pretty wedding! I've got 2 weddings coming up in October that I'm not going to be able to attend :( I love a good wedding!

  3. Aww, what a sweet bride! Sounds like a great wedding.


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