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Friday, 5 December 2014

Friday Five: My Christmas Wish List

I finally sat down last night and thought about what I actually need want for Christmas... and now that I know what I want the true test will be to see if I am patient enough to wait 3 weeks for presents!
Ear buds hurt my ears so I want some of those over the ear ones that have a cushion and look comfy. And maybe they even keep in the sound a bit better? Or cancel out outside noise? Whatever all I want is for my ears not to hurt.  And these are purple.

I don't actually need THESE headphones (I don't use them that much and can think of better things to spend $200 on) but I just want something comfy for when I do.
Electric blanket
Snuggled up in bed is one of my favourite places to be and the only thing that could make it better is a cozy heated blanket. And this one has snowflakes, adorable.

 Birch Box

I used to get the Loose Button subscription but with only 4 boxes a year and not every one being all that awesome, I want to try something different.  I hear awesome things about Birchbox and even though there is a Canadian version now the shipping is expensive. Lucky for me we live close to the US border and I have an awesome stepdad who heads down there a couple times a month allowing us to take advantage of US shipping! 

Melon baller
Not sure what I will do with a melon baller but I want one anyway. And this one has sizes!



Infinity Bracelet

I have literally been asking for this bracelet for 3 years. My husband has something against buying jewelry but no issue gifting electronics, sports gear (our first Christmas together he gave me a fishing rod and tackle box) or clothes... As long as I picked them out. He really does great when I want electronics or some other fitness type thing but when I want jewelry it's a no go. But I have faith I will wear him down one day so I keep asking.


 Linking up with all these lovely ladies:
The Grits Blog - Little Friday Linkup



  1. I just told A the other day that I want wireless headphones!!

  2. We live in Canada too but my parents live in the US so they drive across and smuggle in my stuff :-)
    XO sarita it's my girls' world

  3. I was gifted a heated blanket last year for Christmas by my boyfriend and it is my favorite thing ever still to this day! It is so cozy and perfect for an afternoon nap! I hope you get one this year!


  4. I love my electric blanket! C is the same about jewelry. Wireless headphones those would be handy.


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