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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Grocery Store Porn

A new grocery store recently opened up a few blocks from our house and I needed to grab something on Saturday so decided to give it a whirl.  The place is gorgeous and the sampling options (and portions!) rival Costco at noon on the weekend… it has a Whole Foods vibe and must be one of a national chain’s attempts to mimic said store.  They are doing a pretty great job, especially because the pricing is still reasonable.

Anyway, I stuffed my face with half a cupcake, salami, pepperoni, fancy cheese, etc. enjoyed a few treats and then went down the aisles in search of the crackers I needed for the artichoke dip I was making.  I found the peanut butter and then happened to glance across the aisle and saw this:


I couldn’t believe it (hence me actually remembering to take a photo) and I so wanted to buy it, but which bag?  Would I buy the bag with the woman because I am a woman?  Or the bag with the man because I wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eating crackers or whatever that saying is.  But let’s get real – I would have to buy both bags.  And I wouldn’t eat them; I would keep them forever for as long as I could before hubby made me throw them out. 

If I want to get really real I would just admit that I will be going back and I will be purchasing… the man?  The woman?  Both?  Thoughts??

What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen at the grocery store?


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