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Thursday 15 May 2014

The Story of My Life

I take her home, I drive all night to keep her warm... Yes, I am singing (well writing) a One Direction song.  And I'm not completely ashamed of it!  A colleague was saying he didn't know any One Direction songs and so I turned to my phone because of course I have not only one but two 1D tunes rocking in my playlist.  And you know what?  'Story of my Life' is my favorite.  I especially enjoy belting it out in my backyard by the fire after a bottle of wine or three.  Ahhh good (drunken) times.

But I did actually come across the story of my life... Or at least the perfect quote for it:


I am in love with my bed (how many times have I mentioned naps here?) and I have the perfect amount of pillows (3) and they are all the perfect consistency.  But my alarm clock does come between us, so much so that I turned the alarm off on my phone.  But this is real life and I'm not independently wealthy so I do have a job, but my husband is now my alarm clock and he is a total morning person. So as cheesy as it sounds, it's almost bearable to wake up to him kissing my cheek, smoothing my hair off my face or lightly rubbing my back.  Almost... If I had the choice to ignore him and snuggle back in I would;). Thankfully one of us is a morning person!

What quote tells the story of your life?

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