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Thursday, 31 July 2014

I Popped My Cherry

My geocaching cherry that is - I found my first one!  I have known about geocaching's existence for years but I have never felt the desire to do it myself.  Until my friend told me she had gone out and found like eight of them.  For some reason that ignited a fire in me and I went straight to Google, found realized there are some so close to my house.  

What is geocaching, you may ask? Direct from the website:

Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location.

So during dinner one night I started telling the Mr. about geocaching and he tells me he found one at one of his job sites!  One of his job sites is located on a popular trail along the river and geocaches are generally located in parks and other public areas.  I think anyway...

Needless to say I had to find this geocache as well.  So I created my profile downloaded the app and on Saturday Milo and I set out to find our first geocache.  The app isn't as exact as a GPS but it apparently gets you within a 30 foot radius of were the geocache is supposed to be.  I'm pretty sure my friend is just using her phone and she is banging them off like crazy.

I suck you guys.  I totally couldn't find it.  I literally called the Mr. and he had to basically guide me within two feet of the thing.  But it felt great when I did find it!  
The blue dot is you and the green arrow show the geocache location
we found it!  (the small green box on the log)

I added my username and date to the log but didn't have a trinket to leave - I will be visiting the dollar store this week to stock up

Before we found the trinket, Milo got bored of walking in circles
Once you log your find you get a smiley face!
It was so fun and I want to find more!  I even checked and there are a bunch near the lake, including one in the cemetery but I don't think I'll be looking for that one.  I wonder if I will even be able to find one though?  Seriously friends, it was pathetic.  I think a GPS purchase is in my future.

Any thoughts on what I should leave as my signature trinket?

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