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Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Currently I'm...

I wasn't too sure what I wanted to write about today and then I saw Mary's post, loved the idea of it and also loved that I've never done one like this before.  So happy hump day friends - today you get to learn a little bit more about me!
So currently I'm....

Drinking: Coffee and peach iced tea flavored Crystal Light.  I wish I drinking a Dr. Pepper.

Wearing: Pyjama pants. Anytime I am within the walls of our house. Oh and when we hit up the drive thru for sundaes (or cheeseburgers).

Watching: Vampire Diaries on Netflix 

Losing sleep over: Losing weight.  I can't stop eating... I even have milk duds hidden in the bathroom?!

Eating: Everything including milk duds.  Except cilantro, I hate cilantro. 

Loving: Red wine. Baileys coffee. Sleeping in. 

Sitting Next to: 

On my left...

And trying to climb into my lap...

Excited About: Friday night date night - dinner at our fave Greek restaurant!! 

Ignoring: the laundry, messy family room and dirty dishes.  Am I a good housewife or what??

Thankful For: The family and friends I have in my life.  Oh and wine. 

Wishing: I would wake up early and head out happily for a run or some form of exercise.  I seriously lack motivation.

Admiring: My mom. The love and support this woman gives us all is incredible.

Saying Good-Bye To: bad habits.  Still working on my NY resolutions!

And now I'm going to go pour a glass of wine and sneak some milk duds... 

Happy Hump Day!!

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  1. Love this list, how fun to write?!! Happy 2014!

    1. Thanks! I love the easy posts that practically write themselves :)


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