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Sunday, 19 January 2014

Weekly Dinner Plan (Take 2)

After a busy Saturday, hubby and I are looking forward to a lazy Sunday.  The sun is out, we have no real plans besides watching football and eating tasty appies (I will try to focus on the veggies!) and getting ready for the week.

Baileys coffee and blogging on a lazy Sunday

We had the best intentions to follow our dinner plan last week but due to a combination of after dinner appointments and PMS cravings, we took the easy way out a couple times.  The only good thing to come out of this was less thinking about dinners for the coming week as we just shifted a couple things.

Here is what we have planned for dinners:

Sunday: Baked Cod with Broccoli-Cheese Rice
Monday: Chicken Lasagna Rollups - Megan's recipe, so sad I missed this one last week! 
Tuesday: Pork Tenderloin with Mashed Potatoes and Veggies 
Wednesday: Breakfast: Ham & Goat Cheese Hashbrown Frittata (found on Pinterest)
Thursday: Pork Leftovers (we're hoping to do some sort of stroganoff... should be interesting!)
Friday: Dinner Out
Saturday: Sushi (Takeout)

I am going to try and prep some of the steps for the chicken lasagna rollups and hashbrowns frittata today - wish me luck!
Does anyone have any tips for meal prepping on Sundays? I have my breakfast shakes down to an art and it makes mornings a breeze, imagine if I could do that for healthy dinners all week too?!!

Enjoy the last of the weekend!

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