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Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014 - 1, Sarah - 0

Hello January 2nd, the day I start tackling my resolutions except I haven’t had time to write any down… well I may have actually had the time yesterday but I definitely didn’t have the energy.  Hubby and I tied one on for NYE like we were in our early 20’s.  I couldn't get out of bed until noon and it didn't get much better.  This was likely our last new year’s that we will celebrate to that extent as children are about to catapult themselves into our inner circle.  Our friends little one is due in three weeks and it will without a doubt change our celebrations.  I’m not thinking of it as a negative though; it’s an exciting time for them and possibly in the near future, for us.  Besides, my body can’t handle this abuse anymore.   Don’t get me wrong, I still love my wine, I just don’t think I need to drink quite as much in one night.  So we spent yesterday watching movies and eating Chinese delivery. 
I dragged myself out of bed and back to work today where I am now suffocating under a massive pile of crap I need to do.  The holidays really get in the way of work!  But how great is it coming back for two days and then it’s already the weekend – easing in slowly.
Tonight if I can stay up past 7pm I plan to hammer out my resolutions for 2014.  And maybe a plan to stick with them?
Has anyone ever stuck to or completed their resolutions?
Happy New Year Blogland!

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